
Definition, Causes, Consequences and Solutions for Autocorrelation, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Specification error.

Definition, Causes, Consequences and Solutions for Autocorrelation, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Specification error. Autocorrelation Autocorrelation refers to the degree of  correlation  between the values of the same variables across different observations in the data .   The concept of autocorrelation is most often discussed in the context of  time series  data in which observations occur at different points in time (e.g., air temperature measured on different days of the month). For example, one might expect the air temperature on the 1st day of the month to be more similar to the temperature on the 2nd day compared to the 31st day.  If the temperature values that occurred closer together in time are, in fact, more similar than the temperature values that occurred farther apart in time, the data would be auto correlated. However, autocorrelation can also occur in cross-sectional data when the observations are related in some other w...


WHERE IS THIS OLD MAN CALLED BOR? [Target audience: Communities in the current Jonglei State] We, Dinka Bor (Jieeng of Jonglei) are like twenty wives of a poly gamous Jieeng paramount chief. When there is a big occasion where the paramount chief would serve as the guest of honor, the twenty wives were the happiest among the village crowd. The master of ceremony will cheerfully and gracefully introduce their names to the public [as diaar ke bany-chief’s wives] as each one of them waves the cheering audience with a smile that lasts only in that occasion. After the ceremony, they return to their respective lonely and boring huts where the paramount chief is seen to visit each of them occasionally during childbirth, funerals, daughter’s marriage, meal-times or occasionally when such community gatherings crop up again. We hate the name Bor to the core and we have been manipulating and fighting ourselves over it for quite sometime now but our respective problems such as poverty, illiter...
Who are Dinka People - Muonyjäŋ ? Muonyjang means "men of men" The NameThe people call themselves Jieng (Upper Nile) or muonyjang (Bahr el Ghazal). The Nuer cal l them ‘Jiang’; Shilluk call them ‘Jango’; Arabs and Equatorians call them Jiengge; all stemming fromJieng.Demography and GeographyThe Dinka is the largest single national grouping in South Sudan. Numbering about 2.5 to 3 million and constituting of more than 25 aggregates of different Dinka sections (Wut). The Dinka are found in Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Southern Kordofan regions. Each Dinka section has a separate political entity with established rights to a well-defined territory. The main sections and sub-sections and their geographic locations include.Geographical Location Section (s)Aweil - RekPangak -Thoi LuachBailiet - Ngok RenkBentiu - RuwengBor - Bor, Twic, Nyarweng, HolRumbek - Agar GokTonj - Rek LuachGogrial - RekYirol - Aliab, CiecAbyei - NgokEnvironment, Economy and Natural ResourcesThe Dinka ha...